Start a Personal Life Plan in 2023. Every year we make resolutions in December and at the end of the following year very little has been achieved with respect to resolutions made. A resolution without clear goals and action steps with milestone stand very little chance of being achieved. Often the resolutions do not look at the various aspects of one’s life, one’s resources, networks, etc. and are sometimes unrealistic.
What has been argued for some time is that what we should be doing is creating a life plan. The concept of life planning has been around for some time. Johnathon Eately sees the personal business plan as a life plan.
Better UP blog notes that “life plan is both a guide and a reminder of what you want to achieve in your life. It helps you realize your dreams and meet your personal and professional objectives.”
I remember going to church and being asked by the pastor whether we had a strategic plan our life. I was shocked as I did not see this as a topic for a sermon. My pastor went on to show God’s planning throughout the bible, showing the importance of planning for the achievement of your goals.
The Need to Start the Life plan in 2023
Today, it is very important to prepare such a long-term plan, whether it is called a life plan or strategic plan. This will inform the preparation of business plans, personal and spiritual development plans. It will help us to prepare for the environmental and other shocks we may experience in the coming years.
In our life plan we who are married and have families also have to include them and our plans for them. If we have businesses then we have to ensure that when we die the business does not die. Such wholistic planning is beneficial. Many small businesses fall apart when the key man dies because there was not the wholistic thinking that goes into planning.
My website,, focuses not only on business, project management and strategic planning but also personal and spiritual development as I recognise the importance of this latter area to the success of the others. In these times of job lost to AI and other forms of technology, downsizing, etc we need to do planning for all areas of our life. In planning for revenue generation and/or increased income, we have to think of multiple sources of income or different revenue streams for business. We have to be prepared to monetize our skill/competencies as we do not know what we will have to fall back on for our livelihood.
Joseph Phillips sees planning as important and has developed a course entitled The Lifelong Project where he advocates the need to utilize the philosophy of project management to achieve your goals. Following is the key learnings from this course and we could fashion of thinking along these lines.

You may also be guided by my LinkedIn article entitled- What can be done when your dream turns to ashes before your eyes
Also of worth are my website blog articles entitled:
Personal SWOT anlaysis – a vital key to reposition yourself
Personal development – key to survival and growth
Lets move from the annual new year resolutions to serious life planning and see success of our plans. I look forward to your comments