This course, project management made easy, has the same name as my FaceBook page that seeks to reassure persons that they can learn and apply principles of project management. My unique selling point is that as a trained online facilitator, experienced trainer/writer on entrepreneurship and project management and life skills facilitator, I am able to ensure that learning takes place and can break down the technical project management language so that it can be easily understood. I have been PMP certified since 2004 and have taught project management at the Public Service Academy of the Ministry of Public Administration and Information, Roytec, Costaatt and the Cipriani College of Labour and Cooperative Studies.
I have experience in many types of projects and have worked in a programme unit of a European Union funded programme and can help you to resolve existing problems or just have fun learning a new and wonderful field. This course’s intent is that within the time period of the course, you are able to choose and develop a simple project plan and can plan, execute, monitor and control and close it. It is a practical course and you have to be willing to do the work necessary to complete it within the time period of two months.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Select projects in keeping with the vision for your business or issues that it faces.
- Initiate the project, prepare the project charter, and identify key stakeholders and their requirements
- Prepare a project management plan for the project. Ensure that scope is well defined, key deliverables are agreed upon, a workable budget and schedule have been determined and quality requirements, risk, communications, resource management and procurement are taken into consideration.
- Execute, monitor and control, and close off the project
Target Audience
If you have been hearing about project management for many years and want to gain an appreciation for it, this course is for you. If you have done training in project management but still do not know how to apply what you learnt, this course is for you. You can be involved in projects but cannot resolve some of its many issues, the open discussion areas will help you to better understand problems being experienced. Many persons do projects but do not know it e.g. a Christmas function is a project. You need to understand the basic knowledge, tools and techniques of project management to increase your level of success of hosting these functions.
Course Content
- Project Management Terminology: Project, Project Charter, Project Scope, Project Constraints, Project Triangle.
- The process groups and knowledge areas of project management.
- The role of Project Stakeholders and creation of stakeholder power interest grid
- The preparation of a project charter
- The role of project planning and its importance
- Determining project requirements
- Creating the project scope statement and work breakdown structure
- Determining the Project schedule
- Cost Management and the preparation of a Project Budgeting
- Management of the knowledge areas of risk, quality, resources, communication, procurement
- Project execution
- Project Monitoring and controlling
- Project Close-Out
- Preparing a project management plan
The participants will be required to work through a project from start to finish thus applying what is being taught. The sessions will be conducted using:
- Brainstorming
- Lectures /Discussions
- Video Presentations
- Small group activity
- Training